Gustav Weiss from Berlin is a well-known author of significant books on Pottery and a publisher of the magazine ‘Neue Keramik’ and one among those who participate in this field, either as a follower or Pottery craftsman.
He has held a number of seminars in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Croatia. After having finished his studies of Natural Sciences in Vienna he studied in Art Academy of Berlin and worked as a Fellow in Halle.
Today, he acts as the Head to the Innovation Center which deals in non-industrial ceramics and works as an artist himself. In addition to Blazenka Soic Stebih he was the initiator and supporter of the Festival at Varazdin.
He is honourary member of KERAMEIKON, Croatian Ceramic Association.
More details are available on
 FANTASY Soft porcelain with glazes over glaze and metal H: 28 cm From The International Festival of Postmodern Ceramics, Varazdin, 2002 |
 L'UNCONNUE Soft porcelain with glaze and overglaze paiting H: 27,5 cm From The International Festival of Postmodern Ceramics, Varazdin, 2002 |
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 TOWER Soft porcelain with glazes, overglaze and gold H: 29 cm Form The International Festival of Postmodern Ceramics, Varazdin, 2002 |
 ECLIPSE Glaze painting 29 x 29 cm From The International Festival of Postmodern Ceramics, Varazdin, 2005 |
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 NEOALCHEMISM ARROGATE THE MAGIC OF EARTH Porcelain, over glaze and gold H: 28 cm L: 50 cm From the exhibition KERAMEIKON AND FRIENDS, Varazdin, 2003 |
Paint in glaze 2005 30 x 30 cm Front page from the new book from Gustav Weiss:
KERAMIK MATERIE UND GEIST - Ausgewählte Aufsätze Verlag Neue Keramik, 2007 |
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 02 "Im Zelt der Sinne", Glasurenmalerei 2007, 66x6
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 03 "Wildheit, die Farben verinnerlicht" (Farben durch seitliche Aussparungen sichtbar). 2007, 36cm hoch. |
 04 "Vase mit Engobenmalerei" 28 cm hoch.
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