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Josip Grgevcic

Josip Grgevcic was born in Jelsa, Hvar. He graduaded from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 1964. He completed his postgraduate study in 1979 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. Independent exhibitions in Starigrad, Hvar, Varazdin, St Gallee (Switzerland), Cakovec and Prelog. Retrospective 1998 in Cakovec and Klek 1999. Since 1964 he has presented his work at 90 group exhibitions nationally and internationally. He has ten sculptures in public areas. Josip Grgevcic received several awards and acknowledgements. He also does restoration work. He works as an associate at the Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb - Department of Educational Studies in Cakovec. He lives in Varazdin.

Optujska 1

42000 Varazdin

Alternation of form


Artificial stone

48x38 cm

Pursuit of compactness

artificial stone 
23x23 cm 

18.02.2025 - 00:17