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Nedjeljko Krčar

Born 1950 in Vinkovci. He graduates journalism in Zagreb. His artistic encouragements came from his school teachers. He exhibited his paintings on many exhibitions and his work is present in collections in Croatia, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain and Italy.

Honourable member of KERAMEIKON since 2002.

Ivana Kukuljevica 9
42000 Varazdin
e-mail: nedjeljko.krcar@vz.t-com.hr

Ivan Mesek wrote:

Particles of pigments that gently nuance the whiteness of the canvas. Discretely, gentle. The touch of the soft paintbrush
soaked with water on the rough canvas is more important than the loud expression of the strokes, colours and gestures.
The water-colourists are humble observers, quiet mediators that translate the seen into real.
And as the water naturally runs through its flow, so the paintbrush runs on a dangerous edge of impressing simplicity and inadequate banality. It is not simple to comprehend simplicity; Chinamen said it took patience and lifelong persistence.
The new cycle of Nedjeljko Krcar is a further step towards such simplicity. Mediterranean motifs excellently respond to the soft rhythm of his painting, opening possibilities of new artistic twigs.

18.02.2025 - 01:33