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Invitaton to ceramic artists from Israel

Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor & KERAMEIKON, Croatian Ceramic Association issue a Public Invitation to Members of the Ceramics Artists Association of Israel (CAAI) and other Israeli Ceramics Artists to participate in the project

In Maribor one of the oldest synagogues in Central Europe is preserved. The renovated synagogue is an exceptional cultural and historical monument of worldly proportions. Maribor was up until the exile of Jews in 1496 one of the centers of medieval Judaism, emanating into the broader European region. In the second
quarter of the 15th century Maribor’s synagogue served as the temporary seat of the high rabbinate for Styria, Carinthia and Carniola. After the exile of Jews from town the synagogue was rebuild into a catholic church, in the 18th century the building was used as a warehouse and later as a residential premises.
It was in the ‘90s that the renovations of former Maribor’s synagogue rendered its original appearance.
In April 2001 the synagogue became home to Maribor Synagogue cultural center, and ever since hosts various cultural events, including historic and fine arts exhibitions, lectures, presentations, literary evenings and concerts.
During past few years a majority of Maribor Synagogue’s programs are dedicated to presentation of Jewish history, tradition and cultural heritage.
In 2012 the City of Maribor (Slovenia) will be European Capital of Culture, also in the same year the IV International Festival of Postmodern Ceramics 2012 and its main manifestation, the exhibition
CERAMICA MULTIPLEX 2012, with artists from all over the world and introducing Israeli artists as honored guests, will be held in Varazdin (Croatia).
To honor this occasion Maribor Synagogue and Kerameikon,

Croatian Ceramic Association, founded the exhibition project
“Present Your Best”, with the intention to
introduce and present creations of Israeli ceramics artists to Slovene, Croatian and international public.
The exhibition of selected artwork will be on show in the former Maribor’s synagogue (Slovenia) 5 April through 15 June 2012.

With this invitation we would like to encourage members of the Ceramics Artists Association of Israel (CAAI)
and other Israeli ceramics artists to participate in the project “Present Your Best”.
Each artist can apply with
no more than three works from his opus in maximum format 30x30x30 cm (circa 11,8x11,8x11,8 inches).
The application form should be accompanied with all necessary information in English language (brief CV, description of applied works, etc.). When applying, the artist is also required to send digital photographs (shot at least from two different angles) of applied artworks on CD-ROM or DVD-ROM.
Reproductions of
entered works in the digital form must be accompanied with a corresponding color scale, and have to be
prepared and submitted in resolution suitable for catalogue publishing purposes (minimum 1200 dpi in JPG or TIF format) along with artworks’ titles and descriptions only in English language.

The deadline for submitting application is 31 December 2011.

Application is to be submitted electronically

to the following Emails:

kerameikon@gmail.com; i

Please note that incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration.

The applied works will be reviewed and selected for exhibition purposes by an expert jury, appointed by
project’s organizers.
Authors of selected works will be notified latest by 15 January 2012.

With applying their works in requested manner, authors participate in project “Present Your Best”, and thus irreversibly accept the following terms and conditions:
1. The authors attest that submitted works are their sole and original 
     works, and that they own the copy
and exhibition rights to them, 
     or   have permission of the owner to freely exhibit and publish 
of them.
2. The authors attest for the accuracy of the information supplied in
     the application form.

3. The authors accept, that any costs regarding their application and
     participation in project 
“Present Your Best” (material, postal fees,
     shipping and transport fees for the works in case they’ll be 

     selected for the exhibition; and travel and accommodation
     expenses in case of the author’s visit to the 
exhibition site in
     either   Maribor or Varaždin) are at their own expense.

4. The organizers of project “Present Your Best” attest, that the
     selected and exhibit works stay at all 
time in the authors/owners
     ownership and will be returned at the end of the exhibition.


Center judovske kulturne dediscine Sinagoga Maribor, Zidovska ulica 4, SI – 2000 Maribor
(Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor, Zidovska Street 4, SI – 2000 Maribor, Slovenia)
Phone: 00386-(0)2-252-78-36
Web: www.sinagogamaribor.si
Email: pmm.sinagoga@guest.arnes.si

KERAMEIKON, Hrvatsko keramicarsko udruzenje, Krizaniceva 13,
HR – 42000 Varazdin
(KERAMEIKON, Croatian Ceramic Association, Krizaniceva Street 13, HR – 42000 Varazdin, Croatia)
Phone: 00385 42 211 227
Web: www.kerameikon.com
Email: info@kerameikon.com; 

Accompanied picture: Yael Roll donation to the KERAMEIKON's collection of contemporary world ceramics

18.02.2025 - 01:47